
打破自我的标签 || 我可以折射光芒


你好呀,我是周运来。怎样介绍自己呢?我是一个长大了才会遇到的帅哥,稳健,潇洒,大方,靠谱。一段生信缘,一棵技能树,一枚大型测序工厂的螺丝钉,一个随机森林中提灯觅食的津门旅客。目前供职于全球最大的测序工厂诺禾致源 ,是一名操着产品经理的心,干着生信工程师的活的小主管。合作与研究中心单细胞研究部是我目前的部门,在此之前有两年的微生物生态(扩增子和宏基因组)数据分析的经验。R是我接触最早的一门编程语言(2014),然后是perl和Python。我的履历是比较简单的,一如我的爱情一样^_^。我开始写作是在小学三年级老师让写日记的时候,学了编程后,给我的写作插上了技术的翅膀,我相信想象力可以改变世界。没有想象力就没有新世界






Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Hi, I am @huxpro (Huang, Xuan), a will-be Facebook software engineer and a professed digital designer. My interests range from programming languages in general (type system, type-based formal verification, compiler construction, runtime system) to indurstial software engineering (web/mobile app development, user interface and UX, developer infra and DX).

In the past, I worked on Alitrip (Fliggy) mobile and web apps under the Alibaba Group, found and lead front-end infrastructure team at a unicorn startup Beijing Weiying (WePiao), and helped Ele.me to upgrade their mobile web into the first influential PWA (progressive web app) in China.

I studied BA, Digital Media Art at Communication University of China and MS, Computer Science at Rochester Institute of Technology, with a focus on programming languages theory and construction.

My Programming Languages Spectrum

I generally prefer languages that are close to ML (“Meta Language”), i.e. mostly functional programming. This should explain most of my picks e.g. JavaScript within dynamically-typed’s, Scala within JVM’s, Rust within unmanaged’s.

Left-right is how much I prefer it. Top-down is how much I know it. Versions are lower bounds.

  💔️ ❤️ ️ ❤️❤️ ️ ❤️❤️❤️ ️
😅 PHP BASIC ObjC Prolog Hack Kotlin Dart Swift Agda Idris
🧐   Asm C++ Lisp* C++11 C# AS3 Scala Rust
😏 Shell C Java Python Typed JS* Wasm Haskell Coq ML*
🤓   JavaScript ECMAScript6 λ Λ Π Σ

ML*: OCaml ReasonML Standard ML
Lisp*: Clojure Scheme Racket
Typed JS*Flow TypeScript
